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And the award goes to …


I’ve only been blogging for about two months and already I’ve won a Major Award!

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Melanie Sokol my favorite steampunk astronaut, nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award for excellence in blogging and curl maintenance. Ok, I made that last part up. The award is actually a way to blog hop to discover up-and-comers or to share blogs you follow. Love that idea.

So here’s how it works:

 1.) Tell 11 things about yourself

2.) Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.

3.) Post 11 questions for those who will be nominated by you.

4.) Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

5) Get in contact with those 11 bloggers to inform them that you nominated them.

 11 Things About Myself
(Expanding on the list from my Celebrating Authors interview)

1. I can’t tell time on an analog watch.

2. I believe God talks to me thru my iPod.

3. I have an incredible group of girlfriends who amaze and inspire me.

4. I like outdoorsy granola guys with sketchy hygiene.

5.  I love to cook, but not bake, though I make really good tiramisu.

6. I never take my good friends, my good health or my good hair for granted.

7. Sometimes I wish I had an etch-a-sketch heart.

8. I consume my body weight in chai every week

9. My feelings for Nathan Fillion are not exactly wholesome.

10. I write in my journal almost every day. Probably about you.

11. I dance to the words.

11 Questions From Melanie:

If you could pick one character from any story ever (movie, book, fairy tale, etc), who would it be and why?

I’d be Tinkerbell because my boyfriend has the hots for her. Sick, right?

If you were going to write about the end of the world, how would it end and would anyone survive?

Everyone would just go gently into that good night. I hate to think of my friends and family being ripped apart by zombies or running away from some big tidal wave.

If any animal in the world could be domesticated, what would you pick as a pet?

Dolphin. They’re painfully cute and really smart.

If you could be a supernatural being of any kind, what would you be and why?

I’d be an angel. But a mischievous one so the other angels would always be exasperated by my antics.

If you could relive any year of your life, which would it be and WHY?

The year before last, because my mom was still alive and I’d love to live that year like it was the last I’d have with her. Big life lesson there, huh?

If I were a broken record, would you let me play or stop me? Why?

I’d stop you, so I could fix you. I like to fix things.

If you could only read one book over and over again for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

A Confederacy of Dunces. It’s so funny and I don’t think I’ve gotten everything out of it that I need to.

If you were a mutant, what powers do you think you’d end up with? What powers would you prefer?

I’d like to be invisible. I enjoy observing people without being seen. Creepy, I know, but it’s a writer thing.

If you could change the genre of your world, what genre would you pick and why?

Love this question. I’d make it a noir mystery where everyone dressed well, had fast, snappy dialogue and was up to something.

What, other than writing, would be a dream career for you?

I’d be a nutritionist and personal trainer.

If you lived in the Disney universe, would you be a vegan? Why or why not?

No, because I’d still like cheese and I bet dwarf meat is delicious.

11 Questions I’m Making Up For My Nominees:

What is your favorite thing about me?

If you could keep one celebrity as a pet, who would it be and why?

If you could steal the muse from another author or blogger, whose would you take?

Would you rather have a Sex-in-the-City-caliber closet (clothes and shoes included) or an underground lair?

What’s you’re biggest grammar pet peeve? (Heehee)

What is a movie or book you tell everyone you’ve read or watched but really haven’t.(Or even if you don’t actively lie about it, you let them assume otherwise by nodding or laughing when it is mentioned.)

If you could retire to a house in Miami, a la The Golden Girls, who would be your housemates? And who would be the Rose, Sophia, Blanche and Dorothy?

If you found yourself being interviewed by Oprah, what is one question you pray she doesn’t ask you?

If you’re eating Jelly Bellies in a darkened movie theatre, which flavor do you dread biting down into?

What is your guilty pleasure? And do you give in to your sin or fight that loving feeling?

What is a quality about yourself that you feel goes unappreciated or makes you, like most artists, “ahead of your time.”

11 Bloggers I Nominate:

Jordan Rosenfeld: http://jordanrosenfeld.net/

Chelsea Starling: http://chelseastarling.com/

Javacia Harris Bowserhttp://www.writeousbabe.com

Sherri Ross http://yougotrossed.com

Andrea Walker http://iamdreamist.wordpress.com/

Peggy Teel  http://peggyteel.com/

Karen Kizzire http://prettyuglykaren.blogspot.com/

Buddy Roberts http://cobaltclub.co/

Sadie  Mason-Smith http://parentheticaldestination.blogspot.com/

Jae Blakney http://JaeBlakney.blogspot.com/

Christina Mercer http://christinasbuzz.blogspot.com/

Congratulations, lovely Nominees. Hope you have fun with this. And thanks, Melanie. I display my badge proudly.








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